Sunday, August 31, 2008


I really shouldn't be on this blog typing, but it's been a grip and I felt obliged to. I'm finally leaving Shangri-La. ) : I should be packing right now, but why do now what I can do at 4 AM? I've got a 2 hour bus ride and a 6-7 hour wait in the airport, let's see how your boy manages to hang. So with the mingled sounds of Fleet Foxes, Corinne Bailey Rae, and Johnny Cash bumping my headphones I'll be going on a mini-mecca voyage of sorts. Until then, a brief recap of the week:

I saw this watch on ThankGodImFamous. Only it was red. I got it in white. har har har

This came in the mail (you'll be seeing more later, I'll choose not to reveal much):

This man made the worst decision of his life, and won't win this election either:

This man got shitted all over in Detroit, and his chain was snatched:

This man has made me extremely angry by this shitty hiatus:

More updates to come later tonight of the packing shenanigans. School begins on Tuesday...ugh.

Monday, August 18, 2008

fleet foxes

Woke up this morning around 8 and took the bus with my Ma into Portland... Which is really always a gamble, there's too many crazy people. Started the day off right with this:

No that is not a glass of urine. That's a classic lemonade sweetened with maple syrup. It sounds disgusting but in reality it's amazing, and for $6 I'd choke slam the dude if it wasn't.

Found myself gazing out a lot, too many tourists, looked something like this:

Sometimes I want to throw up when I see all these people. I don't really like them, or their hiking sandals. Speaking of which wtf sort've crazy concept is a hiking sandal? gtfo....

Then I found myself sitting in front of this crazy hole-in-the-wall place chatting it up with some folk from Vermont while my Ma handled her shopping business...

So while I'm sitting here discussing how I could never actually last on a farm co-op, some arse walks by and spits on my loafers by accident....

But the Vermont guy diffused the situation, and all was well.... Until Ma had to use the bathroom and the nearest one was in the local Dunkin's gustapo. Mind you this woman was a villain, straight up, don't let that popped collar fool you, it's a rouse and I wasn't falling for it.... When asked about the bathroom key she told us to jack it from whoever had it, lols (That's Ma's locs in the photog):

After narrowly escaping the Dunkin woman's keen eye ("yo' you're real cute, boy.") Ma and I dipped out back on the bus to home. Where we met a true blue real life duffle bag boi in the flesh:

Don't let the horseshoe cut, and the funny new balances confuse you. This man was hustlin' (note the livestrong band) I didn't have the courage to ask what he kept in his bag, and he kept dosing in and out of a pretty jerky sleep. I kept my distance, lol. Then I returned to the crib to rejoice over this purchase:

Track 5 is my shit, no really.
I've had enough excitement for one day.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

lack of content

To quote MF DOOM things have been "as they say, semi-risque". I'll be back with more content. Until then let my dude Earthquake hold you over:

Friday, August 8, 2008

yo' i'm in wisco, crazy..

i'm tired.
i got my business cards in the mail.
i just ordered a watch online that will trump anything you've ever seen.
the clothing fiasco is gaining flight. (vigie f. baby is hatin)
niggas do need some thai food (this will be handled shortly)
that festival steez was lame. (to my NH people something like a shitty skyshow)
the l.l. bean loafers made me kanye for the night
i'm giving away my old calculator watch, hit me up if you want it. (no photogs; if you've seen it you've seen it if not, sucks to be you)
probably going to sell my sneaker collection and stick to flip flops, doc's, and loafers.
there's no business like hoe business.
max b is my favorite summertime musician.
iight, i'm tired.


Monday, August 4, 2008

alicia's replacement

Somebody please introduce me to this Karmaloop model.... I'll owe you forever.

Her eyes are ridiculous, and the hair. lololololo
I've had enough of my LeRoy Jenkins for one night.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

moody & movies

Woke up this morning in a horrible mood. But get this, I woke up yesterday in a horrible mood too. I don't know what it is, shitty weather too, but usually that has no influence on me. Luckily, Big Pooh/Phonte came to the rescue and I'm now orbiting somewhere between mellow and content. Much obliged gentlemen. Nothing really worth commenting on today, so I thought I'd enlighten cats on my favorite films of all time. I'll leave out such obvious titles as "Casablanca" "Pulp Fiction" etc The list as follows:

This is a recent addition to the list. A tale of three brothers who go on a mission to reconnect in the country of India. Owen murders his role as the eldest brother, and Adrien's character is what I expect to be when I'm 30. Notable lines, "We had no idea it was poisonous."

Next up:

This is also a fairly recent addition. Bill Murray has always been one of my favorite comedic actors, (What About Bob gets an honorable mention here). I fell in love with this film, Bill's character is so much like myself, he just wanders around really unsure of what the f*ck he's doing. I fell in love with Scarlett because of this too, she's amazing. The chemistry is raw, but when Bill kisses Scarlett you find yourself wincing, like PLEASE NO DON'T LET HIM DO THAT. Aside from that it's magic.

Next is:

Office Space, if you've never seen this you need enlightening. My guy gets hypnotized so he doesn't care about shit anymore, and somehow floats through his life. The only downside is that it's so unrealistic. He doesn't care about shit, and suddenly everything falls in his lap, beautiful woman, choice job, and a lot of money. Let's be honest, dude would've been fired and homeless, I know plenty of dudes like that. LOL


My Mom got me into this movie, and it changed my life. The main character is sort've an Uncle Tom who works at a television network. He bites back at his employer by creating the most racist show imaginable and its a huge success, he can't live with it and eventually kills himself. Big shout out to Mos Def, and Jada in this film too. Paul Mooney makes an appearance as well.

Next is:

What kind of shitbag list would this be with no Kung Fu? I've got another martial arts flick too, but that's not in the same vein as this. Jet Li didn't even do that well in this film. It's up here because the director is amazing, the way every scene has a set color is really very dope. Also whoever the actor is that played "Broken Sword" that guy was basically my hero. Nice plot twist too, probably one of the best Kung Fu movies ever. Second to Enter the Dragon in terms of technical martial arts skill.


You already saw this one coming, I know I know. If you haven't seen it, go see it. No synopsis on this one, great film period.

Last but definitely not least:

This is actually the cover for the soundtrack, not the movie. But those intergalactic stars and the airbrushed quality of the cover was just too fly for me to not post. The Last Dragon, maybe my favorite movie of all time. The main character is a young negro who is basically the black Bruce Lee. But peep his name: Bruce Leroy. Booker T makes an appearance, and my guy gets the girl. What better film could there be to a 16 year old fashionista like myself?

I hope you enjoyed that list. I watch a lot of films. I tried to stay away from the snobby artsy movies.


Monday, July 28, 2008


Saw these on Kanye's blog and had to put 'em up....

If you know me, you know I love Yves St. Laurent. These are amazing. The patent leather, the color everything. Also reported was a collab with Doc Martens. I can dig it. Oh yes Oh yes.

john murdered it....will who?

went to see this today at the theatre....

Will forgot the first rule of Hip Hop though: Never let your protege outshine you.
John Reilly murdered the film, and Will really just played back up. Saw an advertisement for this... looks promising:

Seth always comes through in a clutch and the music in his films are superb. Had to dig up my M.I.A collection and listen to Paper Planes again. Damn she is kind've cute in a "you're-not-from-around-here-are-you?" kind of way....

I also ordered business cards, and we adopted another person into the clothing line schtick... but more on that later.

paix, friends.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

bawse hawg

-damn, ricky. they did you oh-so-dirty. i guess you brought it upon yourself though... from
-also in other news....smh @ obama for trying to get sneaky on the campaign trail. everybody knows you're in the u.k. and europe campaigning, why deny it? you see what it got THE BOSS....
-Family Reunion Clothing?
More on that later

I've got a badass headache.
I'll save the enlightenment for later.

Friday, July 25, 2008


a few random noticings from my outing today that will be explored later on. posting them now strictly for documentation purposes:
  • girls who curse are not attractive even slightly
  • l.l. bean is my shit

  • william s. burroughs is also my shit

  • i need to eat more thai food than i do

  • i wish alex lived in wisco

  • my guy nick and i are starting a clothing line

  • optimus rhyme is the sickest emcee name ever

  • gladiator sandals are not what's hot, f*ck what you heard
  • who's really touching my white ray-bans? yea, no one.
  • nick cannon is obviously the greatest rapper alive. har har har

i'll touch on all these later.
also a book review of:

Thursday, July 24, 2008

apc 2009 fall collection

APC is a year ahead with their 2009 Fall collection. The look is crispy and fresh. Skinny jeans with the weekender bag and plaid scarf steez is legit, but you won't see me wearing those skinny units. I like mine to fit well, not too tight.

that's the true duffle bag boy steez, and look at those kicks!

the henley's raw, especially with that almost crew neck bottom.

my guy's jacket is ridiculous; i'll be purchasing that asap.

can i have it like that?

Saw these on Marcus Troy. I'd murder a dude for scuffin' them. I'm a fan of the white, the crazy ass tongue on the black ones doesn't work like it does for the white, but oh well. These are the kind of shoes your barber would f*ck your hair up for. Oh gooooodness.

an ode, 'cos baby i love you

Woke up this morning to revel in the new blog with my Mom and Step Dad. With a first day's revenue of 20 profile views I felt shitty, and expressed those feelings. Step Dad says that's good. Moms is doubting. Now mind you it seems like that's partially a Mother's job -- doubt you 'til the very end, but always have your back should the plan combust. I know, ask these rappers they'll tell you.

Moms was on some other stuff though, talking about how teenager's blogs:
  • A.) Suck balls for lack of useful or interesting content
  • B.) Aren't reliably updated
  • C.) Did I mention suck balls?

So I told Mom two things:

  • 1.) I'm going to have to eclipse your blog for that comment.
  • 2.) I'll show you some decent blogs by YOUNG FOLK. She's right most teenagers do suck at blogging, but I know of atleast one that's good, and loads that are good by people in their early 20's. Let's explore.

I'll keep the list low, since I know most middle aged people will still say these blogs suck, oh well.

  1. The Award Tour, What started off as a small blog to chronicle the adventures of some high school seniors turned into a booming clothing line and lifestyle blog. Check out Loch's different recipe's for heart attacks, and overall mischief.
  2. ThankGodImFamous A 23 year old Talent Manager with an eye for bucket hats, anything Rihanna, and mango-a-go-go-no-ho-mo. Check out the quirky term 80's Baby.
  3. Lateboots A fashionista's dream blog, run by a team of young and talented 'nistas. Terms such as BEAT, Tipping, and Sick-o-ning.

That's a fairly short list, I could go on. But these are my absolute favorites. I can't live without these blogs, all produced by people under the age of 25. Now why is Mom's hating? Because the blog started out, like facebook, as being a grown folk only thing -- but we kidnapped it.

I'm going to start a teenage blogosphere, put these dudes in check.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

the genesis

the name bruce wave-y is an amalgam to a lot of things:

  • rapper Max B
  • my bi-racial hair being naturally wave-y
  • bruce wayne being my favorite superhero's real name
  • two of my favorite bloggers (sickamore & nerdatthecooltable)

it made sense at the time.

i've kept a blog on myspace for awhile, but i've outgrown talking about myself during downtime. i'll try to keep this updated with a nice blend of pop culture, art, good music, shit from my daily goings ons, and just overall tomfoolery.

a brief introduction would be something like i spend most of my time at work cooking misc noodle dishes. i spend all of my checks on clothes and food. my Dad thinks i have a serious problem. my Mom is proud that i take pride in my appearance. my Uncle is a fashionista and a chicago mc. i've just started playing with the idea of making a clothing line for only my friends and i, because it's hard to find nice cardigans.

i listen to mostly jazz, but nothing gets me as geeked as good hip hop. i'm a fan of alt/indie rock, and kraftwerk changed my life.

i read books on philosophy, but i find myself dating mindless automatons, because they're cuter. that's shitty.

i follow politics with a steadfast devotion and my Pops thinks i should be a lawyer. that's not a bad idea. i watch basketball only when the bulls are doing well or it's the finals.

my favorite chef is molto mario, that dude is a beast.

i live my life mostly in illini/wisco, but my vacations on the east coast.

my favorite designers are Tom Ford and Yves St. Laurent

i'm a junior in high school.

my heroes are batman, will smith, malcolm x, and kurt vonnegut.

that's really about it.