Sunday, August 31, 2008


I really shouldn't be on this blog typing, but it's been a grip and I felt obliged to. I'm finally leaving Shangri-La. ) : I should be packing right now, but why do now what I can do at 4 AM? I've got a 2 hour bus ride and a 6-7 hour wait in the airport, let's see how your boy manages to hang. So with the mingled sounds of Fleet Foxes, Corinne Bailey Rae, and Johnny Cash bumping my headphones I'll be going on a mini-mecca voyage of sorts. Until then, a brief recap of the week:

I saw this watch on ThankGodImFamous. Only it was red. I got it in white. har har har

This came in the mail (you'll be seeing more later, I'll choose not to reveal much):

This man made the worst decision of his life, and won't win this election either:

This man got shitted all over in Detroit, and his chain was snatched:

This man has made me extremely angry by this shitty hiatus:

More updates to come later tonight of the packing shenanigans. School begins on Tuesday...ugh.

Monday, August 18, 2008

fleet foxes

Woke up this morning around 8 and took the bus with my Ma into Portland... Which is really always a gamble, there's too many crazy people. Started the day off right with this:

No that is not a glass of urine. That's a classic lemonade sweetened with maple syrup. It sounds disgusting but in reality it's amazing, and for $6 I'd choke slam the dude if it wasn't.

Found myself gazing out a lot, too many tourists, looked something like this:

Sometimes I want to throw up when I see all these people. I don't really like them, or their hiking sandals. Speaking of which wtf sort've crazy concept is a hiking sandal? gtfo....

Then I found myself sitting in front of this crazy hole-in-the-wall place chatting it up with some folk from Vermont while my Ma handled her shopping business...

So while I'm sitting here discussing how I could never actually last on a farm co-op, some arse walks by and spits on my loafers by accident....

But the Vermont guy diffused the situation, and all was well.... Until Ma had to use the bathroom and the nearest one was in the local Dunkin's gustapo. Mind you this woman was a villain, straight up, don't let that popped collar fool you, it's a rouse and I wasn't falling for it.... When asked about the bathroom key she told us to jack it from whoever had it, lols (That's Ma's locs in the photog):

After narrowly escaping the Dunkin woman's keen eye ("yo' you're real cute, boy.") Ma and I dipped out back on the bus to home. Where we met a true blue real life duffle bag boi in the flesh:

Don't let the horseshoe cut, and the funny new balances confuse you. This man was hustlin' (note the livestrong band) I didn't have the courage to ask what he kept in his bag, and he kept dosing in and out of a pretty jerky sleep. I kept my distance, lol. Then I returned to the crib to rejoice over this purchase:

Track 5 is my shit, no really.
I've had enough excitement for one day.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

lack of content

To quote MF DOOM things have been "as they say, semi-risque". I'll be back with more content. Until then let my dude Earthquake hold you over:

Friday, August 8, 2008

yo' i'm in wisco, crazy..

i'm tired.
i got my business cards in the mail.
i just ordered a watch online that will trump anything you've ever seen.
the clothing fiasco is gaining flight. (vigie f. baby is hatin)
niggas do need some thai food (this will be handled shortly)
that festival steez was lame. (to my NH people something like a shitty skyshow)
the l.l. bean loafers made me kanye for the night
i'm giving away my old calculator watch, hit me up if you want it. (no photogs; if you've seen it you've seen it if not, sucks to be you)
probably going to sell my sneaker collection and stick to flip flops, doc's, and loafers.
there's no business like hoe business.
max b is my favorite summertime musician.
iight, i'm tired.


Monday, August 4, 2008

alicia's replacement

Somebody please introduce me to this Karmaloop model.... I'll owe you forever.

Her eyes are ridiculous, and the hair. lololololo
I've had enough of my LeRoy Jenkins for one night.