Thursday, July 31, 2008

moody & movies

Woke up this morning in a horrible mood. But get this, I woke up yesterday in a horrible mood too. I don't know what it is, shitty weather too, but usually that has no influence on me. Luckily, Big Pooh/Phonte came to the rescue and I'm now orbiting somewhere between mellow and content. Much obliged gentlemen. Nothing really worth commenting on today, so I thought I'd enlighten cats on my favorite films of all time. I'll leave out such obvious titles as "Casablanca" "Pulp Fiction" etc The list as follows:

This is a recent addition to the list. A tale of three brothers who go on a mission to reconnect in the country of India. Owen murders his role as the eldest brother, and Adrien's character is what I expect to be when I'm 30. Notable lines, "We had no idea it was poisonous."

Next up:

This is also a fairly recent addition. Bill Murray has always been one of my favorite comedic actors, (What About Bob gets an honorable mention here). I fell in love with this film, Bill's character is so much like myself, he just wanders around really unsure of what the f*ck he's doing. I fell in love with Scarlett because of this too, she's amazing. The chemistry is raw, but when Bill kisses Scarlett you find yourself wincing, like PLEASE NO DON'T LET HIM DO THAT. Aside from that it's magic.

Next is:

Office Space, if you've never seen this you need enlightening. My guy gets hypnotized so he doesn't care about shit anymore, and somehow floats through his life. The only downside is that it's so unrealistic. He doesn't care about shit, and suddenly everything falls in his lap, beautiful woman, choice job, and a lot of money. Let's be honest, dude would've been fired and homeless, I know plenty of dudes like that. LOL


My Mom got me into this movie, and it changed my life. The main character is sort've an Uncle Tom who works at a television network. He bites back at his employer by creating the most racist show imaginable and its a huge success, he can't live with it and eventually kills himself. Big shout out to Mos Def, and Jada in this film too. Paul Mooney makes an appearance as well.

Next is:

What kind of shitbag list would this be with no Kung Fu? I've got another martial arts flick too, but that's not in the same vein as this. Jet Li didn't even do that well in this film. It's up here because the director is amazing, the way every scene has a set color is really very dope. Also whoever the actor is that played "Broken Sword" that guy was basically my hero. Nice plot twist too, probably one of the best Kung Fu movies ever. Second to Enter the Dragon in terms of technical martial arts skill.


You already saw this one coming, I know I know. If you haven't seen it, go see it. No synopsis on this one, great film period.

Last but definitely not least:

This is actually the cover for the soundtrack, not the movie. But those intergalactic stars and the airbrushed quality of the cover was just too fly for me to not post. The Last Dragon, maybe my favorite movie of all time. The main character is a young negro who is basically the black Bruce Lee. But peep his name: Bruce Leroy. Booker T makes an appearance, and my guy gets the girl. What better film could there be to a 16 year old fashionista like myself?

I hope you enjoyed that list. I watch a lot of films. I tried to stay away from the snobby artsy movies.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The Last Dragon" ?????

Man, that wouldn't make even my top 30 favorite movies of all time, but I DO recall that I enjoyed the hell out of it when I saw it way back when on the big screen. Now you've made me have to go and add that to my must-see-again list.

BTW, if I were to pick a "similar" film from the same time period as one of my all-time favorites, it would have to be "Big Trouble in Little China." That's my guilty pleasure.